Mastering Megatrends by Doris Naisbitt (.ePUB)

File Size: 1.1 MB

Mastering Megatrends : Understanding and Leveraging the Evolving New World by Doris Naisbitt and John Naisbitt
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.1 MB
Overview: From the authors of The New York Times bestseller, Megatrends: Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives, comes Mastering Megatrends: Understanding and Leveraging the Evolving New World, which deals with the complexity of change. It is one thing to spot a real trend from a fad, but it is quite another thing to deal with an incoming trend.

In today’s digital world, almost everyone can easily access information. But this information can be either fact or opinion, informative or intentional, intellectual or populist, spread by humans or algorithms. Once spread, it is consumed by readers who may be open or biased and have culturally and geographically diverse attitudes.

Since we naturally tend to ignore information that jeopardizes our own expectations, Mastering Megatrends offers guidelines on how to take down internal and external barriers of understanding as it covers such topics as:
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help

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