Beyond Nihilism: Imperfection on the Move by Bart Nooteboom (.ePUB)
File Size: 285 KB
Beyond nihilism: Imperfection on the move by Bart Nooteboom
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 285 KB
Overview: How to escape from nihilistic despair: the loss of faith in absolutes of God, the True, the Good and the Beautiful, or in our ability to achieve them? Following Nietzsche, we might be glad to be rid of them, rejoycing in ongoing effort to learn and create, even if, or perhaps because, we never achieve perfection. In other words: imperfection on the move.
How does imperfection on the move work? What does it mean for religion? For knowledge and truth, for ethics and morality? And for happiness, relationships, trust, and love? It is the purpose of this book to unravel all that.
Happiness requires purpose, for a meaningful life, and pleasure. The only hereafter there is, is what one leaves behind at death. The purpose of life could be to make a contribution to what one leaves behind. There is enjoyment in developing and utilising one’s talents for that purpose.
In this, the self needs the other, and his/her opposition, in order to achieve the highest level of freedom, including freedom from one’s own prejudice and myopia.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy
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