Wrapping with Fabric by Etsuko Yamada (.ePUB)

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Wrapping with Fabric: Your Complete Guide to Furoshiki-The Japanese Art of Wrapping by Etsuko Yamada
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 20,4 MB
Overview: Long before today’s eco-friendly philosophy of “reduce, reuse, recycle” entered America’s collective consciousness, furoshiki—the Japanese method of wrapping things with fabric—?ourished as a time-honored and practical art form. In Wrapping With Fabric, Etsuko Yamada—born into a long-line of furoshiki makers in Kyoto—explains the “one cloth, many uses” ideology behind the craft, the etiquette of color and the craft’s fascinating history. From there, she shares the myriad ways in which a few basic techniques can transform a simple square of cloth into an elegant wrapper. A quiet reminder that opportunities for artistry are everywhere around you, Wrapping With Fabric is the craft book that makes it easy to bring a touch of grace and ingenuity to everyday life—and help preserve the environment, too.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General

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