The Art of Immutable Architecture, 2nd Ed by Michael L. Perry (.PDF)

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The Art of Immutable Architecture: Theory and Practice of Data Management in Distributed Systems, 2nd Edition by Michael L. Perry
Requirements: .PDF reader, 14.1 MB
Overview: This book teaches you how to evaluate a distributed system from the perspective of immutable objects. You will understand the problems in existing designs, know how to make small modifications to correct those problems, and learn to apply the principles of immutable architecture to your tools. Most software components focus on the state of objects. They store the current state of a row in a relational database. They track changes to state over time, making several basic assumptions: there is a single latest version of each object, the state of an object changes sequentially, and a system of record exists. This is a challenge when it comes to building distributed systems. Whether dealing with autonomous microservices or disconnected mobile apps, many of the problems we try to solve come down to synchronizing an ever-changing state between isolated components. Distributed systems would be a lot easier to build if objects could not change. For software architects and senior developers. It contains examples in SQL and languages such as JavaScript and C#. Past experience with distributed computing, data modeling, or business analysis is helpful.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices

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