The Roundabout by Michael Allwright (.ePUB)
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The Roundabout by Michael Allwright
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 2mb
Overview: Mathew, a naive and odd young man, takes a room at Mrs. Haines’ house. Within his first day there, he notices, through the curtains in the window of the house next door, just fifteen feet away, that someone is watching him. He learns that this is Mrs. Shawburn, a heavy-set middle-aged woman whose husband is blind and almost deaf. He becomes convinced that Mrs. Shawburn is in love with him and then, when he notices that the couple isn’t taking their usual walk on Wednesday evenings, that she’s murdered her husband.
Some of this is true. Or partly true. Some of it is utterly, totally mistaken.
‘I greatly admire Michael Allwright’s The Roundabout which takes up the universal nightmare feeling “Suppose I’ve got it all wrong” and spins it into a very elegant economical and scarifying little trap for the imagination’ — Brigid Brophy
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics
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