From the North by Katrin Bjork (.ePUB)
File Size: 226 MB
From the North: A Simple and Modern Approach to Authentic Nordic Cooking by Katrin Bjork
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 226 MB
Overview: From the North celebrates the classic dishes of Nordic countries, while making them more accessible and approachable. The recipes come from Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark among others. Katrin Bjoerk was born in Iceland, lived in Denmark for 14 years, and now lives in New York. She is the founder of the blog Modern Wifestyle, and has a social media following over more than 11,000. Her recipes include Skyr Cake, which highlights traditional Icelandic yogurt and a crust of fresh fruit and nuts; Cured Goose Breast to cook an age-old Nordic dish in a more modern collection of herbs and spices; and Chanterelle Toast, which cooks mushrooms in Vermouth and lemon juice for a interesting and fresh flavour profile. Katrin’s unique approach to old-fashioned favorites breathes new life to Nordic Cuisine. This cookbook will have 75 recipes and 75 photographs.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink
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