Why Does He Do That? books by Lundy Bancroft (.ePUB)
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Why Does He Do That? Books by Lundy Bancroft
Requirements: ePUB Reader | 3.6 MB | Version: Retail
Overview: LUNDY BANCROFT has spent the last twenty-five years of his career specializing in the tactics of abusive men and their impact on women and children. He is the author of Why Does He Do That?, the nation’s largest-selling book on domestic abuse; When Dad Hurts Mom; and The Batterer as Parent; and coauthor of Should I Stay or Should I Go?. He has also written more than a dozen articles for professional publications. The former codirector of Emerge, the nation’s first program for abusive men, he is now a national trainer and public speaker for nonprofit, governmental, and judicial agencies on dealing with domestic abuse situations. Lundy leads weekend healing retreats for women who have escaped destructive relationships.
Genre: Non fiction | Self help
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