The Gifted and The Cursed series (#1&3) by Marcus Lee (.ePUB)+

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The Gifted and The Cursed series (#1&3) by Marcus Lee
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.99 MB
Overview: Marcus Lee is a bestselling author of Fantasy novels full of magic, conquest, darkness vs light, and Machiavellian plot twists that you won’t see coming.

Born and living in London, he has been a lover of fantasy since reading Homer the Odyssey and The Iliad as a seven year old. Now, as a father of one, he seeks to create worlds and stories that capture the imagination of a new generation of readers, to give back some of the magic he has so happily immersed himself in over the years.

The Gifted and The Cursed Series is a Dark Fantasy with a light romance to offset the darkness, set in a dystopian world where those who are gifted by the gods with one hand, are cursed with the other.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy > Romance > Dark > Dystopia > Adventure

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