Bumblebee: And Other Stories by Zach Elliott (.ePUB)
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Bumblebee: And Other Stories by Zach Elliott
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 165,06 KB
Overview: Brief moments resolve into the love lives of a couple in Tick Tock, while a trip down memory lane could spell disaster for a couple in The Bells of Spring. In Playing to Live, a woman barred from her passion searches for a way to reclaim it. An author struggles to separate himself from his character in Metamary. Striking the Set follows a dutiful but largely ignored son as he arranges a final meeting for his dying father with his much favored brother. And in the signature story, Bumblebee, a young girl gains control over time and destiny in a way that draws the attention of ancient and powerful beings. These stories and others await when you explore the sharply realized, melancholy-tinged worlds of Zach Elliott.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics
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