The Freak FrogMan Handbook by Brad McLeod (.ePUB)

File Size: 373 KB

The Freak FrogMan Handbook: A Navy SEALs Guide to Conquering any Challenge by Brad McLeod
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 373KB
Overview: This is the handbook I wish I would have had when I was 19 and starting my journey to become a Navy SEAL. This book would have been worth hundreds of dollars to me and I would have printed it out, took notes, and logged each workout. You should do the same. This handbook is meant to be interactive. You can put this on your phone, laptop, or tablet and take it with you to the gym. These practices can be applied to all areas of your life. They are simple, effective and powerful. 1% Better Every Day!

As a former Navy SEAL Team 4 Operator, CrossFit Certified Strength Coach, Athlete, Husband, and father…my experiences have allowed me to achieve happiness and success in all aspects of my life. I’ve made a point of learning from every mistake I’ve made and turned those mistakes into positive victories. The end result: I created this eBook, Freak Frogman Workouts. Don’t let the title fool you… This isn’t just a workout book, it’s a how to handbook on conquering the hardest things life can throw at you.

In the Teams I became strong, agile, un-exhaustible, and focused. But that was just the physical benefits of Navy SEAL training. The true benefits are far greater then any physical skill I acquired. The true benefit a person like you or I can reap from Navy SEAL training is of the ripple-effect it has on the other aspects of your life… This book will teach you how to achieve this.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help

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