Finding Each Other series by Peter G Johnson (.ePUB)
File Size: 970 + 483 KB
Finding Each Other series by Peter G Johnson (#2-5)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 970 + 483 KB
Overview: Peter G Johnson has been an avid reader and writer of Hotwife and Cuckold erotica for more years than he cares to remember. He lives and works in the UK but has travelled and lived in many parts of the world. Taking inspiration from such great authors as Matthew Lee, Max Sebastian, Kenny Wright and many authors. He loves both the sexuality and exploration of angst and human emotions that these types of stories allow. Some stories ending with ‘Happily Ever After’ finales. Others ending with the inevitable consequences when couples take risks with their love and love lives. Peter is a family man whose other loves include General and Military History. Aside from Erotica his favorite authors include Douglas Adams, AJP Taylor and Dostoevsky.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic
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