The Magnesium Miracle by Aileen Brosnan (.ePUB)
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The Magnesium Miracle: Learn The Amazing Benefits Of This Micronutrient For A Healthy Body And A Great Life (Magnesium Vitamin Book 1) by Aileen Brosnan
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 803 kb
Overview: The magnesium miracle can help you to change your life for the better. This might sound like a very far-fetched statement but actually, it is the complete truth. Many researchers and experts now believe that magnesium deficiency is fast becoming one of the most serious health issues of our age. In fact, lack of magnesium can cause everything from cardiovascular problems and obesity to back pain, fatigue, involuntary twitches, and muscle weakness.
So why have so many of us never even heard of magnesium deficiency before? Well, in actual fact, magnesium deficiency is rather a 21st century issue as it has only been since the advent of modern farming techniques that we’ve seen a sharp decline in the amount of magnesium in our food and drink. Modern farming depletes the naturally occurring magnesium within the soil and modern fertilizers often lack magnesium altogether. In addition to this, we no longer source our water from deep, magnesium- rich wells which means that overall, in this modern world that we live in, we’re getting very little magnesium from our food or drink.
By this point, you’re probably asking yourself how on earth you can combat this. Well, if you’re suffering from unexplained symptoms then this book could be for you. In the pages that follow, you’ll find research-backed information and practical tips on how to combat magnesium deficiency for good. So, don’t wait any longer; discover the magnesium miracle, make a change today, and banish magnesium deficiency from your life once and for all!
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help
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