The New 8-Week Cholesterol Cure by Robert E. Kowalski (.ePUB)
File Size: 323 KB
The New 8-Week Cholesterol Cure: How to Lower Your Cholesterol by up to 4 by Robert E. Kowalski
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 323 kb
Overview: The groundbreaking cholesterol-lowering program . . . now even more effective!
Robert Kowalski’s personal story is legendary. By the age of forty-one, he had suffered a heart attack and had undergone two coronary bypass surgeries. A traditional dietary approach to lowering his cholesterol failed dismally, and faced with the unpleasant alternative of a lifetime on medication, he created a program that proved astonishingly effective for him — and legions of others worldwide who used it.
Today Kowalski has beaten heart disease, lives an unlimited and vigorous lifestyle, and uses no prescription drugs. Now, with new information about risk factors, exercise, and supplements, The New 8-Week Cholesterol Cure is even more powerful in fighting heart disease. It includes:
The facts about homocysteine and the deadly cholesterol Lp(a)
A diet that jump-starts cholesterol reduction
The heart-healthy secrets of niacin, other B vitamins, and safe supplements
The latest findings on exercise
New cholesterol-testing methods
New heart-healthy products … and more!
Arm yourself against heart disease-America’s number-one killer-and increase your chances for a long, healthy life with The New 8-Week Cholesterol Cure.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help
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