Zinc and Zinc Deficiency by Werner Winkler (.ePUB)

File Size: 409 KB

Zinc and Zinc Deficiency: Valuable Knowledge in 30 Minutes by Werner Winkler
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 409 kb
Overview: The recommended daily zinc intake is 10-25mg. The lowest daily intake (10mg) is achieved by consuming approx. 10g oysters, 200g beef liver, 200g sunflower
seeds, 250g cashews, 250g cocoa, 300g beef tenderloin, 300g peanuts or 400g sweet corn. Among other things, the body requires zinc for the proper functioning of over 200 enzymes; furthermore, zinc is required for the immune system, the transport of hormones, cognitive thinking, memory (also names), as well as for hair, skin, nails, fertility and, last but not least, for good eyesight.
The most common zinc deficiency symptoms are: sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, acne, suicidal thoughts, skin problems, wound healing problems, a weak
immune system, loss of hair, disorders in smell, taste and touch, white spots on fingernails and dark circles under the eyes. Possible reasons for the deficiencies are: low meat consumption, pregnancy, alcohol and drug consumption, anesthesia, chemotherapy, high stress level, deep mourning, diets, sports, sauna sessions, computer workstation activity, malnutrition.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help

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