House of Stuart Sequence by George Kearton (.ePUB)
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The House of Stuart Sequence by George Kearton
Requirements: ePUB reader, 3.3mb
Overview: Author George Kearton on the creation of “The House of Stuart Sequence”:
Let me make it clear from the outset; I had no intention of writing nine volumes of imagined history!
But, in real life as well as in alternate history, actions have consequences – throw a stone into a pond and you can never estimate in advance how far the ripples might go. So it was that “The Year of The Prince” (volume one of The Sequence) was followed by a succession of other volumes. The final decision in terms of these was that I would end the story in 1945; two hundred years after the Prince landed in Scotland. There was, however, no prior calculation as to how many volumes this might entail.
Throughout the Sequence I have tried to remain both sequential and consequential with odd lapses into sidelines of history and folklore which might not be as generally known as perhaps they should be. The political and military significance of Karelia in the eighteenth century and of Verdun in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries have both been queried by eagle-eyed readers but to these I can only offer the justification once used by Harold Macmillan in an entirely different context; “Events my dear boy, events”.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy > Alternate History
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